Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital Health Apps with AI – Here’s How

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the healthcare industry, offering new ways to improve patient outcomes and enhance the delivery of care. One area where AI has the potential to make a significant impact is in the development of digital health apps. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which AI can be…Más

From Games to Health book summary

«From Games to Health: Lessons Learnt from the Video Games Industry» is a book that explores the potential for video games to be used in healthcare. The book draws on the author’s experience working in the video game industry and her subsequent work in healthcare. It discusses how the principles of game design can be…Más

Turn Your Rehab into a Game: The Power of Gamification in Musculoskeletal Recovery

Musculoskeletal rehabilitation is a long and challenging process that requires patients to be motivated and committed to their treatment plans. Unfortunately, maintaining motivation and adherence to these plans can be difficult, leading to lower treatment success rates. In recent years, researchers have turned to gamification as a means to improve motivation and engagement in rehabilitation.…Más

The Surprising Truth About Behaviour Design in Digital Health Apps

In recent years, digital health applications which aim to improve health outcomes through the use of technology, have become increasingly popular. You can find a large variety of them: tracking physical activity, monitoring vital signs, and health prevention (encouraging healthy behaviors). However, the success of these apps often depend on their ability to effectively design…Más

From Games to Health: Lessons Learnt from the Video Games Industry

As a nurse working in technology who also happens to be a gamer, I often have to give lengthy explanations on my journey and provide substantial context to my opinions on the future of healthcare. After years of answering the same questions at dozens of events worldwide, I have decided to compile them in a…Más

3 tips for beginner entrepreneurs

That magic moment when you decide that you want to go ahead and pursue your dream, to change the world as you know it today, and begin your journey as an entrepreneur, you have many challenges, so here is a bit of advice that worked for me. In fact, at times it really did wonders,…Más

What I´m up to now

I was in Utrecht, for Games For Health Europe, a few weeks ago, and had this great interview there. It gives me the opportunity to explain in detail about my company PlayBenefit, about Benergy (our first mobile app that’s about to come to life), and how I got until here 😉 Hope you enjoy it!Más

6 tips on Pokémon Go (for adults)

What the heck is Pokémon? It´s a videogame created by Satoshi Tajiri and the illustrator Ken Sugimori, and released by Nintendo in 1996. «Pokémon» comes from «pocket monster». There are currently 729 Pokémon, of all shapes and colors – Pikachu is the most famous of them all. Pokémon Go is the latest release of the…Más

3 apps para tu reset mental

Agosto es mes de vacaciones y de relax, ¿cierto? Pues la verdad es que no siempre. Muchas personas, como yo y casi todo el mundo que conozco, necesitan algo de ayuda para conseguir “resetear” su mente de cara a septiembre. ¿Dónde conseguir herramientas para prepararse para los nuevos retos? En las app store, ¡por supuesto!…Más

6 claves de Pokémon Go para adultos

¿Qué es Pokemón? Un videogame creado por Satoshi Tajiri  y el ilustrador Ken Sugimori, y lanzado por Nintendo en 1996. “Pokémon” viene de “pocket monster” (“pequeño monstruo”). Actualmente hay 729 pokémons, de todas las formas y colores – Pikachu es el más famoso de todos. Pokémon Go es el último lanzamiento de la franquicia, que…Más