From Games to Health: Lessons Learnt from the Video Games Industry

As a nurse working in technology who also happens to be a gamer, I often have to give lengthy explanations on my journey and provide substantial context to my opinions on the future of healthcare. After years of answering the same questions at dozens of events worldwide, I have decided to compile them in a short book, and I’m delighted to introduce it to you!

As well as telling my story, From Games to Health: Lessons Learnt from the Video Games Industry looks at five concepts borrowed from video games that provide ample opportunities for improving healthcare. I’m really happy with the result and I hope my readers will agree! At the very least, they won’t have to ask me why I do what I do if I meet them at a conference :).

You will find the e-book on all Amazon stores, including,, and, and it will soon be also available at other online stores.  If e-books are not your thing, the paperback version will be out in the new year! Watch this space for more info. And if you read it, let me know what you think in the comments area below!


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